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. . : : OpenRP | SimBySim : : . .

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[underwork, try again later!]

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New hardware! ~ [latest]

Sorry for the delay, while I keep saying I hope to get back into this project life has been very slow with things going in in life. Which is always a ongoing thing also. However I extra system perfect for testing on, and running code, and hopfully allow me to speed things up. I have more parts on the way for it, and once its up and running fully will start to try find more time for this.

Anyone that still comes around to check for updates, wow and thanks!


Slowly getting back into the groove! ~

It's been rough these last few months, but starting a new in a new location in a gal... I mean state far far away.Allot ways Im still getting settled due to health problems. Slowly getting back into it trying some new things.But I have started working on the project again. A Framework for managing and depoying OpenSIM!


.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.
Welcome to OpenRP|SimBySim.

A set of tools to help guide those getting a Linux-powered OpenSIM Grid up & running! OpenSIM by OpenSimulator is an open-source reverse engineering of Linden Lab's Second Life software. 

The goal here is to make things much easier for those that want to have a virtual world of their own but lost where to start. Users are given the tools needed to get started on a world of thier own.

There are other projects which have simlar ideas, and even ways of doing things. Some I was kinda shocked to see someone did this or that first. I thought I cleaver.. ;-).. But like to think what I am puting together using a what I can work up combined with other usful works will be something special.

Once you are up and running you can still connect to your world from Windows, but the world and its back-end will entirely be Linux. This is to take advantage its vast ecosystem, and reliability. Windows users can still use it also! See you out on the Hypergrid[HG]!

~ > How to get a world of your own?!? < ~

.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.

tips underwork..

.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.
Information \

Welcome to information! Sorry if things seem undone or should of had better proof reading. This is just something I do in my free time and been working off and on with this and dealing with many twist and turns. If things slow down and get out of date, I would be sad but I at the same time just working on things in my free time, and RL comes first.

Please use the sub info menu now shown between here, and the very top menu. Hope you find everything you needed! Things maybe still getting worked on at this time!

.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.
Information \ FAQ[Q/A]

We know everything here looks hard to understand, and in the moment yeah I kinda stink doing live support. I just like to do things myself rather then teach. I am not any good at it. This is however something I do enjoy and think others would enjoy. So its decided to come up with as many aids so hopfully no one will need me, and have the chance to learn at a smaller more controled pace.

I know things will not be perfect. Certainly not in the begining. I will try to work on things overtime so they are more clear, and hope perhaps overtime others will take the infromation here and build a better one. I would not be upset by that, it would insead fill be with joy.

Questions and answers
Q: What is OpenSIM?
A: Software used to simulate virtual enviroments for a user or users to connect to together. It was reverse enginered from Linden Labs, Second Life. OpenSIM allows one to run their own Second Life like world for them and/or their friends in a place of their control and reasonable price.

Q: What can it be used for?
A: Whatever you wish! Winter lands, Deserts, aliens worlds, anything! With your own OpenSIM you can create different kinds of environments, along with an avatar with limitless customization possibilities. It could be a stage for creating Ren'Py visual novels, or live user-to-user roleplay groups. You can also make your environment more interactive with scripted objects, and NPCs.

There exist libaries of scripts which can be used, and other that can be changed, or even created when you learn LSL and OSSL. Learning how could be a fruitful venture as some may pay scripters for personal scripts.

Q: Why not just go on Second Life?
A: Go ahead if you wish. OpenSIM is merly another option for those that may not be in agreement with their policies and terms of service, along with the cost while you can connect freely. The cost of land for example can be very high. With OpenSIM you can find many places that might not even charge you for the land, because with OpenSIM you can run more then 1 whole region of land for less then US$10 compared to Second Life's own US$150+ for just a single region. It's simply cheaper to run, with more control. If you own your OpenSIM, you can't be banned from it.

Q: Can I be banned out in the Hypergrid[HG]?
A: Yes, as a owner of an OpenSIM you will have power over who is allowed to come in. Many might seem unreasonable but it is within their right being their platform. Some may even take it that extra step and banning people just on looks fo their avatar alone. Nothing can be done about this other then just moving on and finding a better place to HG too.

Q: I use Windows, I don't want to switch to Linux?
A: No one is telling you too. You can still keep your computer on windows, and even conenct to your world from windows. The only things that will be Linux is the server, and the OpenRP|SBS Toolkit [Which is ran within VirutalBox which has a Windows version] will be Linux.

Q: I don't know what to do, can you do it?
A: Not for free, but at a agreed price sure. At the moment commsions however are going to be CLOSED for now till things are more setup.

Q: I create content in Second Life. Is it true people could buy then give away my creations freely even with permssions set to prevent it?
A: Sadly, yes. There has not really been a good answer for this problem. There likely to never be one short of disabiling HG travel on the grid where the items are.

Q: Can money be made with this?
A: Maybe..? There are ways to connect to global token networks, which will be covered in the DIY guides. These tokens can be exchanged for real cash. It's advice however you keep a close eye on any of these networks and never hold onto a balance aside from what you really need.

Now to if there is a profit to be made is depending on your plans. Maybe Hosting small parties, or placing tip jars which connect back to the token network or external link to a regular dono page.

Remember, the current setup to be used by OpenRP|SBS is designed for small affordable group setups and not overly large setups.

Q: What's the goal?
A: Whatever you make of it. Ideally a platform for adults to escape to for a time to roleplay and/or simply socially with other adults freely. As per the OpenRP rules acts for grid operators for possible adoption.

.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.
Information \ THE HYPERGRID[HG]

The Hypergrid [HG] is a feature of OpenSIM which allows the crossing from one OpenSIM to entirely a different one. So a user can create their own world, then go visit another without having to create a new account. Others can also come from their worlds to see your own.

Users can exchange and share items with each other and bring them back to their owns [This maybe a concern for conent creators, see Faqs]. This allows for those to RP with each other across grids. Creating a new world wide web of virtual worlds.

However to point out that the current viewer client software used to conenct even with OpenSIM support is very lacking in HG Support. This often causes bugs when it comes to allot of the backend acations that take place. Such as joining a group hosted on another OpenSIM, or even trying to add a friend see their name gone next time you login. Hopefully the HG and support for it in the clients will improve in time. The client viewers themselve are open source, so anyone can work on this or even join another team to work on the OpenSIM version of their viewer.

There are online index sites of public OpenSIM. These are like the online social media networks for OpenSIM worlds. OpenSimWorld is one example. Keep in mind each place is ran by different people. It's generally expect to have a properlly dressed avatar when coming to visit. Each will also have their own bias if your avatar is something unexpected to them even if properly dressed in your opionon. Some maybe unwelcomeing to different types roleplayers based on their choice of roleplay. Check for rules posted in their listings.

.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.
Information \ CREDITS

OpenRP|SBS only offers toolkits and guides for setting up and using OpenSIM. Which may incorporate other noteable tools which may also contain additinal changes by OpenRP|SBS to bring them up to date to the latest code and patches. This page maybe subject to change as the toolkits and guides evole.

All creations of OpenRP|SBS are completely free to use and change.

Creative Commons License
~ Third party credits [*May use or have their own license infromation*]
OpenSIM by OpenSimulator [OpenSIM/master].

.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.


- {VirtualBox}
- {Domain}
- {Server}

VirtualBox is a simple tool for running different operating systems within a virtual machine. A preset virtual machine will be provided during the process called the Toolspace which can be imported into VirtualBox. It will provide a workspace to keep everything in one place and have a all in one tool to mange your OpenSIM world altogether.

Yes, this could be all done from Windows. However even if you use Linux already, the Toolspace is still a good idea so you can more easily keep things backed up. If everything is setup correctly. You want your virtual machine to become your only way into the server's root level access for it's protection.

There is a saying "don't mix business with pleasure", and access to your server hosting your OpenSIM should always be seen as business even if at the end of the day it's for fun. So keep the important data within your Toolspace, and keep your Toolspace securely backed up with its own user pin set to it. Commissioned users get personalized Toolspace with tighter locks making the Toolspace setup to their server truly the only key (Outside of a the Server's IPMI).

If you are running Linux install VirtualBox from the repos. Otherwise you can find VirtualBox for many platforms over at VirtualBox.org

Toolspace Download ~

1. Download Toolspace
2. 7z key: 398d4edb3a02acf0cdda64f2576b24fa3aaa0bc809beb347f2cb755ff8774632
3. Open VirtualBox clicking import selecting the file you extracted, followed by clicking Start!
4. When Toolspace is booted login with,

username : openrp | password : openrp
~[!]On first login, open it's terminal & type passwd to change password! [remember it!][!]~

5. Open it's broswer and click [New Start] ~> 'Let's Begin!'

~ Toolspace package Checksum [SHA256]: ee4d613f0d524809f0c470efa284d3b0a99f530740353bb218dcd1aad7b79e2e

~ 7z key is a seperate checksum to a file within the Toolspace package [toolspace.7z/readme.txt], not be mistaken with the Toolspace package checksum.
~ OpenRP|SimBySim, can not be held responsible for the illegal actions committed by any user of the site and other tools.
~ [!] You must be of legal adult age to download from this site!

..:: [Agree] Download Toolspace ::..

A Domain name is needed so its easier for you, and others to login or visit your OpenSIM. There are also worlds that may disallow IP only worlds making it harder for one to Hypergrid to another OpenSIM to visit. Not to mention we will need one for other reasons which will hopefully make all this work.

There are many options where you can register a domain if you don't have one, such as godaddy. However the ideal is affordable so here are a couple options for Top Level Domain [TLD] Register. Which there maybe better choices in other's eyes and any choice is fine.

~TLD option(s)~ *Recommended
Namecheap : [ SBS, CLUB, CITY, XYZ, & more! ]
Porkbun : [ SBS, CLUB, CITY, XYZ, & more! ]
or a..free.. meh..
~subTLD option(s)~
freedomain.one : [ line.pm, run.place, work.gd, and couple more ]
Dynu{d}DNS : [ ooguy.com, mywire.org, kozow.com, and a few more ]
freedns.afraid.org : [ my.to, nya.pub, ind.st, & more! ]

(!)While the subTLD options are way less on freedomain, it along with Dynu{d}DNS have better DNS Record support then freedns which is much more restrictive out of the box for free accounts. A TLD is best, if paid for through a good TLD Register. But if it's just not in the budget there are free sub-TLDs out in the wild. However they are bound with limitations to prevent abuse, and you could easily have it taken away as you do not truly own the subdomain.

(!)Freenom is not a viable option as of this time. They no longer offer free TLDs. Even when they did, their rules depend on you having a working website on the domain, and they can just take it back at any time without reason. I would not depend on them after some basic research, and it seems like they are unlikely to return the free TLDs anytime soon, and their website often has errors making it hard to log in to renew any current freedomains within the limited free renew window.

In all my own search, I dun know if there maybe a better offer, or someone else has a data center they just like to use, like as they support Virtual Private Servers (VPS), or Dedicated Servers running latest Ubuntu LTS, a dedicated sever running Proxmox or similar can also host a Ubuntu virtual machine(VM) long as you open the proper ports to the VM within Proxmox [do not just DMZ it, very foolish..]

However during the on and off work here at Ethernet Servers been the choice! they offer affordable Unmanaged VPS, or Unmanaged Dedicated Servers, with kind support that goes out of their way to accommodate.

VPS users are reminded that you often share the space with others, be kind on the heavy CPU things. Otherwise you maybe best to go with a dedicated server for full CPU support and resources without fear of triggering the hypervisor on the VPS host for prolonged 100% pegged CPU usage which maybe seen as abuses and can cause lag throughout the host server. This would not be a issue with a Unmanaged Dedicated server.

Once you have a server ready, have its SSH Login details handy for later, it should look something like
ssh user@ or its possible you may need to add a -p for the port if its not on a standard ssh port.

*Affiliate Link Discloser: When you sign up by using the Ethernet Servers link from this page, you show your support at no extra cost to you at check out! Keep an eye out for the top of Ethernet Servers webpage for coupon deal offers for larger one time off discount or a smaller lifetime discount on unmanaged VPS hosting plans! By using the link from here you will have OpenRP|SBS' Thanks!

Welcome to the OpenRP|SBS Tools for OpenSIM, on Linux!

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Setting up an OpenSIM can be done in different ways, here at OpenRP|SBS thats no different. Such as running OpenSIM on a server with the Linux operating system even when its designed to run on Windows. The Linux ecosystem is a very powerful resource which can be taken advantage of, and runs OpenSIM just fine under the Mono runtime. So with Linux, its a good target to tune our tools and scripts for.

Windows users do not need to switch Linux, just download the Toolspace to import into VirtualBox and just run it, it will take over helping with setup of OpenSIM with making sure your domain points to the server, and your server is ready with a fresh install of Ubuntu Server to host OpenSIM. When its all done, Windows users can then connect to their new virtual worlds from Windows just fine!

Onces you have the requirements ready and on standby click proceed.

.•*¨¨*•. OpenRP|SimBySim ¸.•*¨¨*•.

Toolspace Download Disclaimer~

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a page..

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